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a) Publicados en extenso en revistas de prestigio internacional con arbitraje estricto. A. L. Morán, D. Decouchant, J. Favela, A.M. Martínez-Enríquez, B. González Beltrán and S. Mendoza, “PIÑAS: Supporting a Community of Co-Authors on the Web”, DCW’2002, The Fourth International Conference on Distributed Communities on the Web, Eds, John plaice, Peter G. Kropf, Peter Schulthess and Jacob Slonim, In Cooperation with: ACM SIG-WEB SIGPLAN, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, NO. 2468, pp 114-125, Springer Verlag Sydney, Australia 3-5 abril 2002. A. L. Morán, J. Favela, A. M. Martínez-Enríquez, and D. Decouchant, “Before Getting There: Potential and Actual Collaboration”, Groupware: Design, Implementation and Use, The 8th Internationational Workshop on Groupware, CRIWG’2002, pp. 147-167, EDS. Haake, Jorge M., Pino, Jose A., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 2440, Springer Verlag ISBN:3-540-44112-3, La Serena, Chile 1-4 Septiembre 2002. A. M. Martínez-Enríquez. D. Decouchant, Al L. Moráan and J. Favela, “An Adaptive Cooperative web Authoring Enviroment Poster publicado”, Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Second International. Conference, AH’2002, Eds. P. De Bra, P. Brusilovsky and R. Conejo, pp. 535-538, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 2347, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-437-1, ISSN: 0302-9743, Malaga, España, 29-31 mayo 2002. D. Decouchant, A.M. Martínez-Enríquez, J. Fabvela, A. L. Morán S. Mendoza and S. Jafar A “Distributed Event Service for Adaptive Group Awareness”, MICAI’2002:Advances in Artificial Intelligence, The Mexican International, Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Eds, C. A. Coello, A. De Albornoz, L. E. Sucar and O. Cairó, pp 506-515 Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 2313, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-43-475-5, ISSN: 0302-9343, Mérida, Yucatán, México 22-26 abril 2002. A. M. Martínez-Enríquez, A. Muhammad, D. Decouchant and J. Favela, “An Inference Engine for Web Adaptive Cooperative Work”, MICAI’2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, The Mexican International, Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EDS, C. A. Coello, A. de Albornoz, L. E. Sucar and O. Cairó, pp 526-535, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No. 2313, Springer Verlag, ISBN: 3-540-43-475-5, ISSN: 0302-9343, Mérida, Yucatán, México 22-26 abril 2002. Xianping Guo, Wen Yu and Xiaoou Li, “Minimas Control for Discrete-Time Time-Varying stochastic Systems”, Automatica, Vol. 38, No. 11, pp1991-1998, 2002. Xiaoou Li and Wen Yu, “Dynamic System Identification via Recurrent Multilayer Perceptrons”, Information Sciences: An International Journal, Vol. 147, NO. 1-4, pp. 45-63, 2002.
Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Arturo Hernández Aguirre. “Design of Combinational Logic Circuits through and Evolutionary Multiobjetive Optimization Approach”, Artificial Intelligence for Engineering, Design, Analysis and Manufacture, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 16 No. 1,, pp39-53, Enero 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. “Theoretical and Numerical Constraint-Handling Tehniques used with Evolutionary Algorithms: A Survey of the State of the Art”, Compputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 191, No. 11-12, pp. 1245-1287, Enero del 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A., Zavala Guitérrez, Rosa Laura, Mendoza García, Benito Hernández Aguirre, Arturo, “Automated Design of Combinational Logic Circuits using the Ant System”, Engineering Optimization, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 109-127, Marzo del 2002. Mejía Alvarez Pedro “Scheduling Fault Recovery Operations in Real-Time Systems”, Computación y Sistemas, Vol. 6 No. 1, pp 51-61, julio-septiembre del 2002, ISSN: 1405-5546. Héctor Jiménez Salazar, Guillermo Morales-Luna, ``Sepe: A POS Tagger for Spanish'', in Gelbukh, A. (ed.) Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics, CICLing-2002, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2276, pp. 250-259, 2002. G. Morales-Luna, ``Simple Epistemic Logic for Relational Database'', MICAI 2002, Advances on Artificial Intelligence, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2313, pp. 234-241, 2002. Oscar Olmedo-Aguirre, G. Morales-Luna, ``Indeed: Interactive Deduction on Horn Clause Theories'', IBERAMIA 2002, Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 2527, pp. 151-160, 2002. Islas Pérez, Eduardo, Coello Coello, Carlos A., Hernández Aguirre, Arturo & Villavicencio Ramírez, A., “Genetic Algorithms and Case-Based Reasoning as a Discovery and Learning Machine in the Optimization of Combinational Logic Circuits”, en Carlos A. Coello Coello, Alvaro de Albornoz, Enrique Sucar & Osvaldo Cairó Battistutti (eds), MICAI’2002: Advances in Artificiall Intelligence, Srpinger-Verlgag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2313, pp. 128-137, april 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Landa Becerra Ricardo, “A Cultural Algorithm for Constrained Optimization”, en Carlos A. Coello Coello, Alvaro de albornoz, Enrique Sucar & Osvaldo Cairó Battistutti (eds), MICAI’2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 98-107, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 2313, abril 2002. Gómez García, Héctor Fernando, González Vega, Arturo, Hernández Aguirre, Arturo, Marroquín Zaleta, José Luis and Coello Coello, Carlos A., “Robust Multiscale Affine 2D-Image Registration through Evolurtionary Strategies” in Juan Julián Merelo Guervós, Panagiotis Adamidis, Hans-Georg Beyer, José-Luis Fernández-Villacañas and Hans-Paul Schwefel (editors), Parallel Problem Solving from Nature VII, pp. 740-748, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 2439, springer-Verlag, Granada, Spain, september 2002. Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh Mora “Matrix Methods and Local Properties of Reversible One-Dimensional Cellular Automata” Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen 35 (12 july 2002) 5563-5573.
Juan Carlos Seck Tuoh mora “Transtive Behavior in Reversible One-Dimensional Cellular Automata with a Welch Index 1”, International Journal of Modern Physics, C, Vol. 13 No. 6 (2002) 837-855 World Scientific Publishing Company doi:10.1142/S0129183102003607. Héctor Jiménez Salazar, Guillermo Morales-Luna, ``Domain membership degrees and classification methods'', (sinopsis de la tesis de doctorado del primer autor, quien fue dirigido por el segundo) Computación y Sistemas: Revista iberoamericana de computación, ISSN: 1405-5546, vol. 5, pp. 288-295, Abr-Jun, 2002. Cruz Cortés, Nareli y Coello coello, Carlos A. “El Sistema Inmune artificial: Una Herramienta Computacional Moderna para Resolver Problemas Complejos”, Revista Digital Universitaria, Vol. 3, No. 3, 30 de septiembre del 2002 (URL:, ISSN 1607-6079. Luis Gerardo de la Fraga. “Visualizing coefficients of matching functions over the three dimensional space”. IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2002), Septiembre 9-12, 2002, Málaga, Spain. pp. 715-719. Editor J. J. Villanueva. Ed. ACTA Press. ISBN: 0-88986-354-3. Xiaoou Li, Joselito Medina Marín, and Sergio V. Chapa, “A Structural Model of ECA Rules in Active Database, Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI’02), Mérida, Yucatán, México, Abril 22-26 2002, pp. 486-493. Wen Yu and Xiaoou Li. “Adaptive Control with Multiple Neural Networks”, 21st American Control Conferences, ACC’02, Anchorage Alaska, USA, mayo 8-10, 2002. Xiaoou Li, Wen Yu, Sergio Perez, Adaptive Fuzzy Petri Nets for Supervisory Hybrid Systems Modeling, 15th IFAC World Congress, Barcelona Spain, Julio 21-26, 2002. Moisés González García and Ana Ma. Martínez Enríquez “Integration of Concepts in a Software Development Environment”, SEROP’02: International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, Eds. Hamid R. Arabnia and Youngsong Mun, CSREA Press, ISBN: 1-892512-998, pp 184-190, Las Vegas Nevada, USA, Junio 24-27, 2002. Mejía Alvarez Pedro, “Power Optimized Scheduling Server for Real-Time Tasks”, Proceedings of the IEEE 8th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, San José, California, 24-27 september 2002, pp. 239-252, IEEE Computer Society Press (USA) ISBN: 0-7695-1739-0. Mejía Alvarez Pedro & H. Silvia López “Scheduling Power-Aware Real-Time Tasks with Precedence Constraints”, Proceedings of the Real Time-Systems Symposium, Austin Texas, december 2002, IEEE Computer Society Press (USA). V. Korjik, G. Morales-Luna, D. Marakov, Irina Marakova, ``A Performance Evaluation of Digital Private Watermark Under an Additive Noise Attack Condition'', VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Universidad de Oviedo, ISBN: 84-699-8931-6, pp. 461-470, Sept, 2002. Edscott Wilson García, Guillermo Morales-Luna, The Gmandel parallel software, 17th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-2003), April 22-26, 2003, Nice Acropolis Convention Center, Nice, France. Bill P. Buckles, Arturo Hernández-Aguirre, Carlos Coello Coello, “Circuit Design Using Genetic Programming: An Illustrative Study”, Proceedings of the 10th NASA Symposium on VLSI Design, Albuquerque NM, pp 4.1-4.1-10, march 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A & Mezura Montes, Efrén, “Handling Constraints in Genetic Algorithms using Dominance-Based Tournaments”, en Ian C. Parmee (editor), Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture V. Springer, London, pp. 273-284, April 2002. Coello Coello Carlos A. & Landa Becerra, Ricardo “Constrained Optimization using an Evolutionary Programming-Based Cultural Algorithm”, en Ian C. Parmee (editor), Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture V, Springer, London, pp. 317-328, april 2002. Mendoza García, Benito y Carlos Coello Coello A., “Uso del Sistema de la Colonia de Hormigas para el Diseño de Circuitos Lógicos Combinatorios”, en E. Alba, F. Fernández, J. A. Gómez, F. Herrera J.I. Hidalgo, J. Lanchares, J.J. Merelo y J.M. Sónchez (Editores) Primer Congreso Español de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (AEB’02), Universidad de la Extremadura, España, pp. 294-301, 2002, ISBN: 94-607-3913-9. Coello Coello, Carlos A. y Maximino Salazar Lechuga, “MOPSO: Un algoritmo Multiobjetivo Basado en Optimización Mediante Cúmulos de Partículas”, en E. Alba, F. Fernández, J.A. Gómez, F. Herrera, J.I. Hidalgo, J. Lanchares, J.J. Merelo y J.M. Sánchez (Editores) Primer Congreso Español de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Bioinspirados (AEB’02), Universidad de la Extremadura, España, pp. 445-452, 2002, ISBN: 84-607-3913-9. Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Salazar Lechuga Maximino, “MOPSO: A proposal for Miltiple objective particle Swarm Optimization”, Congress on Evolutionary Computarion (CEC’2002), IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, New Jersey, vol. 2, pp. 1051-1056, may. 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Cruz Cortés, Nareli, “A Parallel Implementation of an Artificial Immune System to Handle Constraints in Genetic Algorithms: Preliminary Results”, Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’2002), IEEE Service Center, Piscataway, New jersy, Vol. 1 pp. 819-824, may. 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Landa Becerra, Ricardo, “Adding Knowledge and Efficient Data Structures to Evolutionary Programming: A Cultural Altorithm for Constrained Optimization”, en W.B. Langdon, E. Cantú-Paz, K. Mathias, R. Roy, D. Davis, R. Poli, K. Balakrishnan, V. Honavar, G. Rudolph, J. Wegner, L. Bull, M. A. Potter, A.C. Schultz, J. F. Miller, E. Burke, and N.Jonoska (editors), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2002, pp 201-209, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, California, July 2002. Héctor Fernando Gómez García, Arturo González Vega, Arturo Hernández Aguirre and Carlos A. Coello Coello, “Efficient Affine 2D-Image Registration using Evolutionary Strategies”, en W.B. Langdon, E. Cantú-Paz, K. Mathias, R. Roy, D. Davis, R. Poli, K. Balakrishnan, V. Honovar, G. Rudolph, J. Wegener, L. Bull, M. A. Potter, A.C. Schultz, J.F. Miller, E. Burke, and N. Jonoska (editors), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO 2002, pp. 1263, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Francisco, California, Luly 2002. Islas Pérez, Eduardo; Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Hernández Aguirre, Arturo “Extracting and Re-Using Design Patterns from Genetic Algorithms using Case-Based Reasoning”, en Alwyn Barry (editor), 2002 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Workshop Program, pp. 27-30, New York, July 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. and Cruz Cortés, Nareli, “An Approach to Solve Multiobjective Optimization Problems Based on an Antificial Immune System”, en Jonathan Timmis and Peter J. Bentley (editors), First International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS’2002), pp. 212-221, University of Kent at Canterbury, Inglaterra, ISBN: 1-902671-32-5, septiembre 2002.
Coello Coello, Carlos A., Toscano Pulido, Gregorio and Salazar Lechuga, Maximino, “An Extension of Particle Swarm Optimization that Can Handle Multi Objectives”, Workshop on Multiple Objective Metaheuristics, Paris, France, november 2002. Julio Cornejo Herrera, Adriana Lara López, Ricardo Landa Becerra y Luis Gerardo de la Fraga; “Una librería para procesamiento de imagen: scimagen”; VIII Conferencia de Ingeniería Eléctrica. 4, 5 y 6 de septiembre del 2002. pp. 448-457 Editado en CDROM. CINVESTAV. Serna Pérez, Eduardo; Rodríguez Vázquez, Katya & Coello Coello, Carlos A.; “Programación Genética para el Diseño de Circuitos Lógicos”, en 8va Conferencia Nacional de Ingeniería Eléctrica (CIE2002), pp. 430–435, CINVESTAV-IPN, México, D.F., 4,5 y 6 de septiembre de 2002. Luis Gerardo de la Fraga; “Xv, ImageMagick y Gimp, Tres Programas para la Visualización y Edición de Imágenes”. VIII Conferencia de Ingeniería Eléctrica. 4, 5 y 6 de septiembre del 2002. pp. 262-267. Editado en CDROM. CINVESTAV. Joselito Medina Marín y Xiaoou Li; “Red de Petri Coloreada Condicional y su Aplicación en Sistemas de Bases de Datos Activas”, VIII Conferencia de Ingeniería Eléctrica (CIE2002), México D. F., septiembre 4-6 2002, pp 238-245. Guillermo Morales-Luna; “An experimental computation of the number of generator matrices of null hull codes”. Quinto Coloquio Nacional de Teoría de Códigos, Criptografía y Áreas Relacionadas, México. Jul-2002 M. A. García Martínez, Guillermo Morales-Luna, “Implementaciones en hardware de dispositivos aritméticos para operar en campos finitos”. Quinto Coloquio Nacional de Teoría de Códigos, Criptografía y Áreas Relacionadas, México. Jul-2002. A. Cerdeira-Estrada, A. Cincuttin, M. Estrada, Adriano de Luca Pennacchia, "Corrección del Número de Conteos por Tiempo Muerto en Sistemad Detectores para Imágenes Radiográficas", V Conferencia Internacional XV Nacional Sodimetría de Estado Sólido. pp 203-211. Mireya Tovar Vidal y Arturo Díaz Pérez. “Algoritmos paralelos para estructuras secundarias de orden mayor en secuencias de RNA”, III Simposium Internacional en Tecnologías Inteligentes: ISIT2002. Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco. Apizaco, Tlax., 23, 24 y 25 de octubre de 2002, pp. . Eloy Juan Cessa López y Arturo Díaz Pérez. “Simulación Paralela de Redes Neuronales Aplicadas al Proceso de Visión Temprana”, XV Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Internacional de Informática y Computación de la ANIEI: CNCIIC200. Guadalajara, Jal. Octubre 25 a 27 de 2002. pp. 635-646. Lorena Santos Espinosa y Arturo Díaz Pérez. “Simulación Paralela de un procesador superescalar en sistemas de memoria compartida y memoria distribuida”, XV Congreso Nacional y I Congreso Internacional de Informática y Computación de la ANIEI: CNCIIC200. Guadalajara, Jal. Octubre 25 a 27 de 2002. pp. 737-748. Mireya Tovar Vidal y Arturo Díaz Pérez. “Algoritmos de particionamiento paralelo aplicados al problema de RNA”, XI Congreso Internacional de Computación: CIC2002. México, D. F., 25 a 29 de noviembre e 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 443-455, sección 5.
Mejia-Alvarez. P. Levner E., Mosse D. "Power-Aware Computing Systems.". Titulo del Capitulo: Libro: Power-Aware Real-Time Systems. Articulo: "An Integrated Heuristic Approach to Power-Aware Real-Time Scheduling”, Springer Verlag's Lecture Notes on Computer Science Series (LNCS). (Alemania), Volume 2325, En Prensa. Enero 2002. ISBN pendiente. Sarker, Ruhul & Coello Coello, Carlos A. “Assessment Methodologies for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms”, en Ruhul Sarker, Masoud Mohammadian and Xin Yao (Editors), Evolutionary Optimization, Chapter 7, pp. 177–195, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, ISBN 0-7923-7654-4, February 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. “Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization: A Critical Review”, en Ruhul Sarker, Masoud Mohammadian and Xin Yao (Editors), Evolutionary Optimization, Chapter 5, pp. 117–146, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, ISBN 0-7923-7654-4, February 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A. & Mariano Romero, Carlos E., “Evolutionary Algorithms and Multiple Objective Optimization”, en Xavier Gandibleux & Matthias Ehrgott (editors), Multiple Criteria Optimization. State of the Art Annotated Bibliographic Survey, Chapter 6, pp. 277-331, Kluwer’s International Series in Operations Research and Management Science, Volume 52, Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-7128-0, June 2002.
Cairó Battistutti, MICAI 2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence No. 2313, ISBN 3-540-43475-5, April 2002.
M. A. García Martínez, G. Morales-Luna, ``VHDL Specification of a FPGA to Divide and Multiply in GF(2m)'', in Mullen, G. L.; Stichtenoth, H.; Tapia-Recillas, H. (Eds.): Finite Fields with Applications to Coding Theory, Cryptography and Related Areas, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-43961-7, pp. 164-176, 2002. Coello Coello, Carlos A.; Van Veldhuizen, David A. & Lamont, Gary B.