Texto completo de la Conferencia
The goal of SHARE-it (http://www.ist-shareit.eu/shareit) is to develop a scalable, adaptive system of add-ons to sensor and assistive technology so that they can be modularly integrated into an intelligent home environment to enhance the individual~Rs autonomy. The system will be designed to inform and assist the user and his/her caregivers through monitoring and mobility help. Thus, we plan to contribute to the development of the next generation of assistive devices for older persons or people with disabilities so that they can be self-dependent as long as possible. We focus on add-ons to be compatible with existing technologies and to achieve an easier integration into existing systems. We also aim at adaptive systems as transparent, and consequently, easy to use to the person as possible.
Scalability is meant to include or remove devices from the system in a simple, intuitive way. SHARE-it will address important issues in sensor networks, assisted mobility, knowledge engineering and Ambient Intelligence. In this context SHARE-it will make significant contributions to fundamental, long-term research in the following areas: C1: Sensor-based environment perception, knowledge acquisition and representation, high-level reasoning and goal seeking behaviours in a real world (preferred environment). C2: Verifying software adaptation to human with special needs: both at design and run-time - as operating conditions and governing norms change - to establish (e.g.) safety, regulatory and security requirements. C3: Incorporating shared autonomy: ensuring individual software components and groups of software components can be designed to operate in a given intelligent ambiance and adapt to possible changes both in the needs of the user or in the environment.
Esbozo Curricular
Ulises Cortés, is a professor and researcher of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) since 1982 (tenure since 1988). Habilitated as Full-Professor (2006). Working on several areas of Artificial Intelligence in the Software Department such as: knowledge acquisition for and concept formation in knowledge-based systems, as well as on machine learning and also in autonomous intelligent agents.
He is the Academic Coordinator of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (2007).
He is the Academic Coordinator of the Inter-universitary Master programme on Artificial Intelligence (since 2005), he has been awarded with the Advanced Research Accreditation by Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya (2004) and with the CLUSTER chair at the École Polytecnique Fédérale de Laussane (EPFL) for 1998-1999. He is the Coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence Ph.D. programm of the Technical University of Catalonia (since 1991) and appointed vice-dean for International Relations at Barcelona School of Informatics (since 993 until 1998). |