Texto completo de la Conferencia
Compendium is a software tool for mapping information, ideas and arguments developed by the Open University (see compendium.open.ac.uk). Compendium allows issues, positions and arguments to be mapped in a visual interface. A research team of chemical engineers from Oxford University and computer Scientist from Oxford Brookes University has been working on an extension of the functionality of Compendium to make it more applicable to engineering design. One of the most important extensions is the addition of a an options vs criteria matrix together with multi-decision criteria functionalities. This talk will present our work in this area and its application in policy design.
The management of compliance with rules, policies, procedures, guidelines, practices, standards and their corresponding reporting requirements is largely done through a manual and labour-intensive process. This process can be facilitated by developing an ontology to keep track of all the regulations and the associated rules, guidelines, procedures, etc and a computer-based Compliance Management System (CMS). Our research on a system to support pharmaceutical the design and management of pharmaceutical regulations will also be introduced in this talk.
Esbozo Curricular
Física por la Universida de Bilbao en España, doctora en Electrónica de la Unviersidad Heriot Watt en Edinburgo Escocia, UK. Preside el track Agents and intelligent computing de The IEEE 23rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-09). |